Monday, October 30, 2006

Another year and another ART pARTy

I have lost count by now but this wekend I just had either the 5th or 6th ART pARTy at my house. This time though because I was competing with many Halloween parties, the total number of entries was a bit smaller than usual. But the quality of the art works has gone up again like every year. I also unfortunately forgot to take photos of some of the artists and also forgot to ask someone to take a pic of me.

But below is a image gallery of some of the artists and their work.

Kelley created this Sushi plate

George worked with multi media for his artwork

James proved again that he is an amazing photographer

Dean worked with his son Seth on this abstract art piece

Stefanie designed a bracelet and presented it nicely

Laura created a very beautiful picture frame

Mike and Amy showed quite diverse artistic skills

Julie created this beautiful piece of art

Karen painted this very nice butterfly

Paul and Anita each came with a unique piece of art


Me said...

I thought this would be about Active Release Techniques. I'm so disappointed.

Herbert said...

I do like triathlon, but have surprisingly other interests too. :-)

deetour said...

What a wonderful group of talented friends you have! I haven't created anything in a while. Maybe I could persuade my friends to do this too.