Monday, May 01, 2006

Keds are bad taste defined

I think shoes say quite a bit about people's taste and personality and along those lines I think that Keds are quite possibly the worst shoes on anyone. Well, I am less worried about guys who wear them as they are really not in my dating pool, but they look stupid on guys too. But on a woman they are plain ugly and basically there is no way that I would ever consider dating a woman who wears those shoes. They are ok for kids to wear in a sand box, but why would any woman wear them to go out? They are usually a shade of dirty and go well with loose fitting sweat pants and Disney embroidered t-shirts and sweatshirts. Plus of course during the holidays they go well with themed sweaters. Yikes.


steph said...

Lets try this again.

I think that says it all.

(I -really- wish they would allow html in comments.)

wendela said...

Yeah, they're outdated in a bad way (is there a good way?), but I think they're trying to update the brand to NOT look like the pics you posted. Hopefully. (I'm trying to look on the bright side.)

deetour said...

When I was in high school I wore these without shoelaces. And the dirtier the better, but I'm not IN high school anymore and I don't care if Mischa IS the spokesperson for them. They is old.